
Crystal Isles

Can be home to characters.

Cleavage is a popular city in the Crystal Isles, occupying a smaller island to the south of Diamond City. Its popularity comes from being the residence of nearly every sex worker within the Crystal Isles due to a historical event.

Long ago, shortly after the invention of the teleporters, the then-Queen of the Crystal Isles decided to 'clean up' Diamond City by removing all the sex workers.  (Historical rumors suggest this may have been a demand of her partner after a string of affairs).  She is reputed to have told them she didn't care where they went in the Isles or what they did, just that they could no longer operate in Diamond City.

Cleavage is the result of that.  The sex workers funded the creation of a new city, set up their own government, and took admirably to the task.  Although Cleavage has a reputation for being seedy as a 'red light city', visitors find that it is one of the cleanest and best designed cities in Aerius.  The buildings tower overhead, but there are ample public parks to make sure everyone can enjoy the sky, and plenty of public recreation places.  There's even good schools, as the residents naturally wanted their children to have good opportunities, though plenty choose to become sex workers in adulthood.  Most public areas are designated as sex allowed (and therefore children are NOT allowed) or sex disallowed (and therefore children ARE) allowed.

Additionally, Cleavage has its own guard separate from the Crystal Guard.  They tolerate a handful of Crystal Guard in the aftermath of the corrupt attack on the last Royals, but for the most part, their guard is entirely the Cleavage guard.  Their guards even have a different uniform, which is inspired by lingerie - and augmented by powerful magical enchantments placed on the uniform and the jewelry worn by the guard members.  (After all, lingerie can't typically stop a stab to the stomach - but a good enchanted belly button ring can!)