Neuville District

Crystal Isles inside Diamond City

Can be home to characters.

The Neuville District is, to put it plainly, a slum. It is to the southeast of Diamond City, and was once more prosperous than it is now, as lower income individuals have lost their ability to afford living basically anywhere else within Diamond.

Most buildings in this area are mixed-use to some degree, whether or not they're zoned for it.  Residences host small businesses and food stalls are built off of apartment fronts.  The guard is present here, but they lack significant numbers - and really, even if they had those, they couldn't solve the actual issues here.

Queen Diana's efforts to improve the district have been met with as much roadblocking from the nobility as they can muster, but nevertheless, slowly, buildings in disrepair are being repaired or rebuilt as she pushes through new legislation to protect the people living in the Neuville District.  She's been working on efforts to control rent as well, so that people cannot be priced out of the Neuville District too, though this has been proving more difficult.  The improvements are helping some... but that doesn't mean this District is exactly a 'nice' place, even if it is in the wealthiest city on Aerius.