Sabrer District

Crystal Isles inside Diamond City

Can be home to characters.

The Sabrer District is one of the most varied residential districts in the west of Diamond City, and seems to continually be evolving.

Originally a bastion of the middle classes, they have been struggling to continue to afford to live here as upper class families who cannot get a place in the Kita District have begun overtaking Sabrer.  The houses are more modest than those in the Kita District, but many have been rebuilt or remodeled into larger ones.  There did not used to be many mixed used or multi-family buildings here - just houses, parks, and schools.

Since Queen Diana's coronation, there have been some condominiums and apartment buildings built here, as well as mixed-used developments that include eateries and more in the way of affordable grocery stores, as those have been disappearing from the city.  There has been less resistance to this than the improvements she has sought in the Neuville District, although there was initially a great deal of resistance to the building of apartments until residents were assured that Queen Ashe would be the one approving the plans, as her eye for beauty assured the buildings would not disrupt views too much or be unsightly.