L'flambée District

Crystal Isles inside Diamond City

Can be home to characters.

The L'flambée District lies to the south of the Crystal Palace and boasts massive amounts of entertainment of all sorts. At its heart is the Crystal Casino, a massive and glittering place where gamblers love to win (and lose) their crystals.

The Crystal Casino is far from the only divertment available here, however.  The L'flambée District is packed to the brim with movie theaters that show not only Dextroluma films, but ones from other species in contact with Dextroluma.  Their theaters are renowned throughout Aerius and even beyond, the art galleries are widely acclaimed, there are places aplenty to play, to eat, to drink...  Whatever you want for fun can probably be found here.  The handful of sex workers who have returned to Diamond City from Cleavage typically have set up shop here as well.

L'flambée has a number of apartment buildings laced throughout its infrastructure, providing (relatively) affordable housing to the employees of its multitude of businesses as well as subsidized studio spaces to the artists who keep the District so successful and prominent.

The district had fallen into disrepair during the reign of the last Delacroix royals, the grandparents of Queen Diana, but was rebuilt under the L'flambée queens who preceded Queen Ashe and Queen Diana, and changed its name to theirs in their honor.