Can be home to characters.
Buried far underground, no twinkle of starlight or glimmer of the moon reaches these cavernous spaces beneath the ground of the city.
Few live here by choice - but even those who don't want to be here know they have one thing going for them. For reasons unknown, to easily travel between places in Pitton, all one has to do is begin walking with the destination in mind. The longest commute recorded in this fashion was ten minutes. It's impossible to map the Pits due to this. The best researchers have been able to do is hypothesize that the sphere simply condenses the space between starting point and destination.
It also means it's difficult to predict whether you'll always have the same neighbors or not. Sometimes an alleyway will morph through your building and their half of the building will wind up grafted to a different one. Somehow, that never effects the stability of the towers above.