
The Great Sea Of Sand

Can be home to characters.

Bosque is a perfect place for those who like the risk of gambling and a place that never sleeps. It's one of the busiest cities in the Great Sea, and easy to get lost in...

The city has a complex history steeped in humans who thought it would be fun to try to recreate Las Vegas on a different planet.  It took some damage during the war, as, although they were not aligned with the group that staged the attack on Deja and Harmony, they were still perceived as threats by portions of the Dextroluma populace.

After the war, the Dextroluma who had lived there quickly repaired the place and fully took over to keep it running.  They redesigned more than a few casinos to be more to their tastes - The Mushroom Queen bears no signs of its former Roman themeing, for example.

The city is fairly busy around the clock, as the venues that are not casinos cater to tourists and the busy casino workers alike.  Most of the streets are shaded to some degree with imported trees or textiles woven specifically to minimize light.  It helps keep visitors more comfortable, though most locals are used to the high temperatures of their land.