

Can be home to characters.

Traveling in sync with Aerius' sun, this city in the clouds is always in the daylight. It's often a little weird for those visiting for the first time, is it time for bed, or time for play?

Above the surface of Aerius, there are some clouds large and strong enough to live on - and the Dextroluma of Lunaris and Solaris have done just that.  The Solarian city of Solaris orbits the planet in such a way that it never sees the sun set, and the city is well adapted to that.  Everything operates around the clock here, and it is rare to find anything that truly closes.

Unlike its its sister city, Cumulus, Nimbus is not a party city.  While there are certainly plenty of parties and even nightclubs, the city doesn't embrace it or rely upon it in the same way.  Due to its constant sunlight, Nimbus' true specialty is in the growth of food.  Not everything grows well on a dense cloud - but enterprising farmers have, over generations, learned how to lightly layer soil well enough to grow many cultivars.  Due to their continual sun and warm climate, plants of all sorts grow rapidly here, and can easily be used by the population and sold to other nations or even species up in Galactica.

There's a decent population of Auratails from Umbralucia here, who find the environment comfortingly familiar, if significantly safer.