Peak 69

The Sky Barrier

Can be home to characters.

Owned by an extremely wealthy Dextroluma, Peak 69 is known as one of Aerius' best party spots - for those who can afford to go visit, at least.

It's controversial among many conservative Dextroluma - and for good reason.  Peak 69 sheared off a whole mountain top and built a false one from crystal so that visitors could enjoy the view of the mountain peak without its dangers.

Visitors enter through an exclusive shuttle system, ferried up from a nearby plateau, which definitely isn't a problem if someone has an emergency.  Employees live here for the term of their contract - which can be quite long if they aren't careful...

Peak 69 is magnificent within, boasting its own amusement park, a number of different bars and lounges of all sorts of price points and atmospheres, nightclubs, all sorts of dining establishments, several casinos, and more!  It's the perfect place for a vacation, as long as you have enough money to afford the stay.