Xygoroth Underground

Other Worlds

Can be home to characters.

The Xygoroth Underground is part of the planet Xygoroth and primarily inhabited by the Nunuke species.

Xygoroth is the planet of the Nunuke species, but as they only lived below the ground, the topside wound up settled by another species, the Xynthii, who had been driven from their homeworld.  Access to the Xygoroth Underground is controlled by a series of elevators by stewards known as bellhops and bell captains, and requires passports from the nations and worlds recognized by the Xygoroth Underground.

Aerius and the Xygoroth Underground have had a good relationship since they first began interacting, especially as their species are reproductively compatible.  Nunuluma, the resulting hybrids, find comfort and welcome in both worlds, and it is not unusual to see Dextroluma out and about in the Underground with their Nunuke partners and Nunuluma children.

For more information, please visit the following toyhou.se worlds - Nunukes and Xynthii.  (As a note, Xynthii is not affiliated with Dextroluma, however, they share the planet with Nunukes and the planet can hardly be mentioned without them).