Crystalline Memorial

The Eternal Depths inside Kraken Canyon
This crystalline monument rests on one of the upper edges of the Kraken Canyon, and is a memorial to a trio of nobles from the Crystal Isles who lost their lives here.

It's become something of a tourist attraction, although the reasons for why upset some of the families of the lost nobles, who feel their loss is not sufficiently respected.

The nobles died due to deciding to travel into the Eternal Depths using a capsule that was not rated to travel in such a high pressure environment.  Their capsule was only rate for the Realm of Tides' pressure levels, and had installed safety precautions intended to prevent it from exceeding its maximum pressure.  The nobles decided to get around those by, after purchase, removing much of the software and controllers and installing their own, which were of vastly inferior quality.  Rumors claim they used a handheld gaming device to pilot the craft, however, authorities from the Realm of Tides and the Eternal Depths have been unable to verify these claims.

As a result of their modifications, they never made it to their destination, which they had intended to be the Lost Cove, as they thought it would be fun to see shipwrecks up close.

Many individuals across the planet are amused by the seeming irony of it, while others see it as a testament to the wealthy viewing their lives as more important than others.  They say their visits to the site are what the dead trio would have wanted, given the aim of their trip was much the same as why visitors now flock to their memorial.

The monument is constructed as a trio of dextroluma figures, patterned after the features of the departed individuals.  The three figures are hugging each other.  The crystals shimmer with changing lights around their base and are generally quite pretty.