Can be home to characters.
A place for travelers to stop and rest, or just enjoy a hearty meal or drink beside some new friends.
Can be home to characters.
Facet is an orderly and quaint little countryside town dedicated to farming. The landscape is dotted with crystalline structures both natural and dexmade.
Can be home to characters.
On the outskirts of the Frozen Plains runs a waterfall the spends most of the year frozen. Gingerbread Falls is built beside it, a scenic and beloved tourist town.
Can be home to characters.
The capitol of the Frozen Plains, Frost is built into one of the few hills to be found on the Frozen Plains, which shelters the city from intense winds.
Can be home to characters.
Silence is a tiny village on the outskirts of the Screaming Woods. Few reside here permanently, but campsites can often be seen scattered beyond the handful of permanent residences around the woods.
Can be home to characters.
Dark forest and thick fog surround these woodlands. Screams issue from them at all hours, and no one seems to know where they come from, let alone who.
Can be home to characters.
A melancholy little village, Endville is a popular place to take those with Stage 5 Corruption to live out their final days.
Can be home to characters.
Port Void is the sole port of the Blighted Wilds. Although it is not heavily populated, a few do live here, as it is where exiles from other kingdoms are dropped off, disoriented and drugged.
Can be home to characters.
Blighted Wilds: Corrupt Court
Conquest is the primary city of the Blighted Wilds, host to most of the populace. Apartments and houses run ramshackle, with little to no evidence of city planning or regulation to be seen.
Can be home to characters.
Flaw is a mining town. Crystals for use in teleporters and personal access devices are extracted here to be refined to their final forms by approved manufacturers.
Can be home to characters.
Quartz sits on the furthest edge of the Crystal Isles from Diamond City. It's a more understated town, and a place that is easier for ordinary dextroluma to afford to live.
A glittering palace stands in prominent sight of all of Diamond City, elevated above on a hill. It's home to the Crystal Royals, their guards, and plays host to visitors and parties of all sorts.
Can be home to characters.
Crystal : Crystal Palace , Kita District , Delacroix District , La Fae District , Neuville District , Sabrer District , Thibault District , L'flambée District
The capitol city of the Crystal Isles, Diamond is a beautiful place full of shining buildings. Divertment awaits on every corner, from stores full of interesting items to unique little restaurants to prominent, glamorous casinos.
Can be home to characters.
Delta : Sovereign District , Favour District , Rosette District , Reverence District , Carnival District , Sprout District
The main city of the Arcane Artifice, Mystic is built for height rather than sprawling. With Arcane Artifice's small size and the valuable crystals found within it, every bit of land is too precious to waste on a singular story.
Can be home to characters.
Contrary to Mystic Metropolis, Endeavor is something of a small town. Most businesses and homes are built onto plates that have been floated and magically locked to the land.
Can be home to characters.
The largest Space Station on Aerius! Dextroluma and other species live here and travel through here frequently, and it's constantly active.