
Shell Horns

Shell Horns (Regional)

Category: Aqueous
Species: Dextroluma

Shell horns include not only shells of all colors, shapes, and sizes, but also coral.  Research indicates that these types of horns have provided Ocean Dextroluma with easy camouflage, historically, and now they are delighted in for their unique beauty.

Coral Growth

Coral Growth (Regional)

Category: Aqueous
Species: Dextroluma

Coral Growth seems to have initially provided similar advantages to those Ocean Dextroluma who were born with or developed it.  Like known mutation growths (scale, crystal, flower) it grows on the body and can appear in many places and colors, creating unique textures on the body.  Unlike these mutations, it is seen quite often in Ocean Dextroluma and is not known to cause problems to them in the ways mutation growths are recorded as doing.  Interestingly, sometimes little fish and creatures make nooks and crannies of the coral growths into their homes, if the Dextroluma allows it.

[Rules Note: Coral cannot grow in a way that harms or impairs the body (i.e. it cannot cover eyes or impair the throat or replace a leg).]


Suckers (Regional)

Category: Aqueous
Species: Dextroluma

Some Abyssal Dextroluma are observed to be born with or develop suckers.  These allow them to climb easier, grip surfaces that hands might normally struggle with, and can offer extra aid in managing difficult movements in the pressure levels of the Abyss.  These suckers can appear in all sorts of places and be of any shape or size!  That said, they have always been observed to match either skin or fin/glow color.

Feather Growth

Feather Growth (Regional)

Category: Aqueous
Species: Dextroluma

Feathers can appear in a variety of colors and sizes on the body, and while they do not aid in flight they can occasionally be useful for warning off predators.  Lots of Dextroluma find these feathers quite attractive, too.

[Rules Note: Feathers cannot grow in a way that harms or impairs the body (i.e. it cannot cover eyes or impair the throat or replace a leg).]

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