
Mushroom Horns

Mushroom Horns (Regional)

Category: Arboreal
Species: Dextroluma

Mushrooms of any shape, size, and color can grow in place of a Forest Dextroluma’s horns. If, for some reason, you feel inclined to nibble on your own horns, they will grow back!


Hooves (Regional)

Category: Arboreal
Species: Dextroluma

Some Dextroluma of the forest region can be born with hooves instead of feet.  This has assisted them in finding certain varieties of mushroom that have to be dug up, and allows them to move faster than other dextroluma.  Forest Dextroluma with hooves can have skin, hair, or fur on their legs with the hooves, but it ends at the knee.  (Fur and hair can be any color, skin must match their skin or use their glow/fin color).

[Rules note: The common version of this trait requires all natural legs to match.]

Moss Growth

Moss Growth (Regional)

Category: Arboreal
Species: Dextroluma

Moss finds its way into and onto all sorts of places, including the bodies of Dextroluma! Moss is harmless to Dextroluma, just think of it like body hair! If removed, it’ll most likely grow back, and it doesn’t always have to be in the same place!

[Rules Note: Moss cannot grow in a way that harms or impairs the body (i.e. it cannot cover eyes or impair the throat or replace a leg).]

Frog Feet

Frog Feet (Regional)

Category: Arboreal
Species: Dextroluma

Frog Feet seem to be an adaptation in some Rainforest Dextroluma that help them in reaching high places and swimming. These Dextroluma are also often found to be much bouncier in nature!

[Rules note: The common version of this trait requires all natural legs to match.]

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