
Elf Ears (Common)

Category: Nunuke
Species: Nunuke

Some Nunuluma have a set of ‘elf’ ears on their heads rather than having Dextroluma fins growing on their head.

Elf Ears With Fins (Rare)

Category: Nunuke
Species: Nunuke

Some Nunuluma have an ‘elf’ ear that also has a fin attached, or simply have an elf ear in front of or behind a fin.  This doesn’t usually seem to cause them any difficulties with their hearing, although it can sometimes be inconvenient in certain ways (such as a fin blowing into an ear repeatedly).  These cannot naturally be asymmetrical (such as a fin on one side and an ear on the other), but an injury could cause the appearance of such.

Standard Body Pearls (Common)

Category: Nunuke
Species: Nunuke

All Nunuluma possess body pearls, just like their Nunuke kin.  Standard body pearls are of a small size, round in shape, and have only one color.  Nunuluma can feel pressure through their pearls, and can lose pearls or have them removed if necessary.  Sometimes, having a pearl removed, whether professionally, by accident, or by a non-professional can lead to scarring.

Unique Body Pearls (Rare)

Category: Nunuke
Species: Nunuke

Some Nunuluma have body pearls that diverge from the standard body pearl.  This can be by being larger in size than is typical, having a different shape (including a mix of shapes), and/or they can come in multiple colors.  Sometimes, having a pearl removed, whether professionally, by accident, or by a non-professional can lead to scarring.

Magnetic Area (Rare)

Category: Nunuke
Species: Nunuke

Some Nunuluma have body parts that have a magnetic effect.  They can use this to decorate with various things like floating bows or fake wings and such.  There is debate on if these are magnetic or gravitational or magical, but the Nunuke term is ‘magnetic’ and therefore such debates are mostly the realm of academics.

Standard Tail (Common)

Category: Nunuke
Species: Nunuke

All Nunuluma possess a tail, which is typically quite difficult to injure.  Standard tails possess a universal shape, being thick near the base and thinning out towards the tip.  Additionally, there must be ‘tail goop’ of a singular color dripping along the tail.  This is a type of venom produced by Nunuluma (similarly to their Nunuke kin).  Finally, a standard tail must have a round ‘pom pom’ made of fur near the end, which has a stinger at the tip of it.

Bullet points for ease:
♥ Tail which starts out thick at the base and thins towards the tip
♥ Tail Goop, one color
♥ Round shaped, fur material pom pom near the end
♥ Stinger at the tip of the pom pom

Unique Tail (Rare)

Category: Nunuke
Species: Nunuke

All Nunuluma possess a tail, which is typically quite difficult to injure.  Unique tails may possess a shape similar to that of one of the many varieties of Dextroluma tails.  Additionally, even more variations are possible.  The venomous ‘tail goop’ could be multi-colored or be entirely absent.  It could have multiple stingers or even have no stingers at all.  The pom pom could have a different shape, such as a star or a heart, there could be multiple pom poms, and/or the pom pom(s) could be made of a material other than fur.  (Available pom pom materials include the materials of most regional horns from their Dextroluma heritage, as well as plants, food/drink, glass, and goop/wax from their Nunuke heritage).

Bullet points for ease:
✦ Extra stingers
✦ Missing tail stinger
✦ Multicolor tail goop colors
✦ Missing tail goop
✦ Different pom pom shape (star, heart, diamond etc)
✦ Multiple pom poms
✦ Any of the following pom pom materials:
- Plant
- Food/Drink
- Glass
- Goop/Wax
- Regional (Mushroom, Shell, Bone, Magma, Rock, Ice, Crystal, Wood)

Unique Hair Material (Rare)

Category: Nunuke
Species: Nunuke

Most Nunuluma have hair that is just… normal hair.  However, some Nunuluma, for unknown reasons, are born with hair that is made of crystal or wings.  This hair can be styled and cut similarly to normal hair, but may behave and feel differently.

Spring Traits (Seasonal)

Category: Nunuke
Species: Nunuke

Strange and limited traits can sometimes be found on Nunuluma, these come and go with the seasons.  These traits come from their Dextroluma and Nunuke heritage, and as such, the below list links directly to the traits from the two species.

2019 Spring: Animal Spirit Hair Material
2019 Spring: Tail Goop Vegetation
2023 Spring/Summer: Other Tail Goop Materials

Summer Traits (Seasonal)

Category: Nunuke
Species: Nunuke

Strange and limited traits can sometimes be found on Nunuluma, these come and go with the seasons.  These traits come from their Dextroluma and Nunuke heritage, and as such, the below list links directly to the traits from the two species.

2018 Summer: Other Eye Shapes
2023 Spring/Summer: Other Tail Goop Materials

Fall Traits (Seasonal)

Category: Nunuke
Species: Nunuke

Fall/Autumn Traits (Seasonal)

Strange and limited traits can sometimes be found on Nunuluma, these come and go with the seasons.  These traits come from their Dextroluma and Nunuke heritage, and as such, the below list links directly to the traits from the two species.

Fatal Damage
2018 Fall: Skeleton Hair Material
2018 Fall: Smoke/Mist Tail Goop Material
2020 Fall: Glitched-Out
2022 Fall: Unattached Mouths

Winter Traits (Seasonal)

Category: Nunuke
Species: Nunuke

Winter Traits (Seasonal)

Strange and limited traits can sometimes be found on Nunuluma, these come and go with the seasons.  These traits come from their Dextroluma and Nunuke heritage, and as such, the below list links directly to the traits from the two species.

2018/19 Winter: Frozen "Icicle" Tail Goop Materials
Extra Limbs [As a note, this covers extra eyes, including detached eyes like the Nunuke can have].

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