
Interrupted Change

Interrupted Change (Mutation)

Category: Add-Ons
Species: Dextroluma

Some Dextroluma may possess different feet depending on the region they are genetically from. Typically a Dextroluma's feet and legs match (two normal feet, two frog feet etc.) However sometimes Dextroluma possess legs that do not match each other (one hoof and one frog leg, one paw and one hoof leg).

[Note: This can only occur within their like region category and can not cause , for example frog and pawed feet to be mixed]

In addition, Dextroluma of the Hyperspace, Delta and or Crystal region can be born with floating fins or horns. Most of the time, all horns and all fins are affected however in some instances one fin or horn may float while another on the body may not.

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