
Fur Growth

Fur Growth (Regional)

Category: Cryan
Species: Dextroluma

Some Dextroluma in the Tundra grow fur, which can be of any color, pattern, or texture, and grows anywhere on the body.  In the harsh cold, this has offered them a clear advantage in staying warm and surviving.  Furred dextroluma who travel, move away, or happen to be born in other regions have found that they can overheat in hotter regions, such as the Volcanic region.

[Rules note: Fur cannot grow in a way that harms or impairs the body (i.e. it cannot cover eyes or impair the throat or replace a leg).]

Paws or Hooves

Paws or Hooves (Regional)

Category: Cryan
Species: Dextroluma

Some Tundra Dextroluma are born with paws instead.  Their paws enable them to retain even more warmth compared to other Dextroluma, as they always come with fur (which can be of any color, patterns, or texture, just like fur growth).

Similar to Forest Dextroluma, Tundra Dextroluma also have the chance to be born with hooves.  Hooves allow them to forage for mushrooms and other foods easily through thick crusts of snow and ice.  Hooves can have skin, hair, or fur on the legs.  (Hair and fur can be any color and there’s not any limit on how high they can go, though if it gets off the legs it will count as fur growth too; skin must be the skin color or the fin/glow color).

[Rules note: The common versions of these traits requires all natural legs to match.]


Tusks (Regional)

Category: Cryan
Species: Dextroluma

Researchers theorize that tusks developed in Tundra Dextroluma as an alternative to hooves for foraging, though opinion is split on which is better for the task.  Regardless of efficacy, they are considered quite attractive in the tundra!  Tusks can either match the Dextroluma’s other teeth, or be made of ice like the Arctic ice horn.

Wispy Horns

Wispy Horns (Regional)

Category: Nephian
Species: Dextroluma

Air Region Dextroluma often resemble their environment in a very literal way!  Their horns seem to be textured like clouds, and wisps of them can stream away from the main body of the horn even though it cannot dissipate.  Wispy horns are always either skin or fin/glow colored and can be freckled.

Wispy Hair

Wispy Hair (Regional)

Category: Nephian
Species: Dextroluma

The wispiness does not stop at horns either.  Air Region Dextroluma can also have wispy hair that is textured like clouds with wisps that can stream away from the ends of the hair.  Similar to the horns, it never dissipates.

[Rules note: The entire hair cannot be made of clouds. Only the ends of the hair will appear wispy. However, you may make the bottom of the hair gradually shift to a cloud-like look.]

Wispy Limbs

Wispy Limbs (Regional)

Category: Nephian
Species: Dextroluma

It is theorized that the reason for all these wispy traits was to help Air Region Dextroluma to comfortably reside among the clouds.  Air Region Dextroluma can also have wispy limbs that are textured like clouds with wisps that can stream away from the body.  Similar to the horns and hair, they never dissipate.  Wispy limbs must still match the overall skin color and can have freckles and tattoos still.

Airy Halos

Airy Halos (Regional)

Category: Nephian
Species: Dextroluma

Airy Halos were once the most recognized unique feature of Air Region Dextroluma.  They are soft and wispy, seem to be cloud textured, and always match the Dextroluma’s fin/glow color.  It is theorized that they helped to generate the other two Air Region halo types.  They can be located anywhere around the body.

Weather Halos

Weather Halos (Regional)

Category: Nephian
Species: Dextroluma

These halos come in a variety of different weather types and are shown to change depending on the mood of the Dextroluma. The weather halo can change within the original design specs, such as if you have a sun halo, it can glow much brighter when their mood is happy or dim down when sad. However, it cannot be changed to entirely new weather such as snow or rain.  They can be located anywhere around the body.

Celestial Halos

Celestial Halos (Regional)

Category: Nephian
Species: Dextroluma

Celestial halos consist of both moons and stars, any sort of moon phase and shape as long as they register as moons or stars. They can move slowly around the halo or stay still, they can also glow brightly in the dark, but are dulled by daylight.  They can be located anywhere around the body.

Floating Limbs

Floating Limbs (Regional)

Category: Empyrian
Species: Dextroluma

In the observation of Hyperspace Dextroluma, researchers observed a curious phenomenon with their limbs.  On occasion - sometimes after birth, sometimes much later in life - a Hyperspace Dextroluma’s limbs will painlessly detach from their body and float next to it.  They float close to the Dextroluma as though magnetized, and they cannot be too far away.  This can be the whole arm or leg, or just certain parts such as the hands or feet.

[Rules note:  The common version of this trait requires all limbs to match - i.e. you cannot have one floating arm and one attached, they must both float if you use it.]

Crystal Horns

Crystal Horns (Regional)

Category: Empyrian
Species: Dextroluma

Crystal horns have long been one of the most coveted traits among Dextroluma, in large part due to the remoteness of the Crystal region and the incredible difficulty involved in reaching it for most Dextroluma.  When the devices to teleport through and to the region were first invented, the crystal horns (and halos) were the only keys.  While there are other keys now to use them, Crystal Horns are still seen as quite exclusive due to the nature of their region.  Crystal horns always either match the skin or fin/glow color.

[Rules note: Unlike most regional traits, a Dextroluma who is genetically from the Crystal Region will always have Crystal horns.]

Crystal Halos

Crystal Halos (Regional)

Category: Empyrian
Species: Dextroluma

Crystal halos are pretty much similar to crystal horns.  They can also act as the key to use a teleporter, for a Dextroluma with them.  They can be located anywhere around the body.  Unlike crystal horns, not every genetically Crystal Region Dextroluma has to have a crystal halo. Crystal horns always either match the skin or fin/glow color.

Floating Fins

Floating Fins (Regional)

Category: Empyrian
Species: Dextroluma

In the observation of Hyperspace Dextroluma, researchers observed a curious phenomenon with their fins and horns.  On occasion - sometimes after birth, sometimes much later in life - a Hyperspace Dextroluma’s fins and/or horns will painlessly detach from their body and float next to or above it.  Sometimes the fins get confused as a new fin type because they look odd when detached from the body! Floating fins can be any of the common or rare shapes we provide, and horns, as usual can be any shape as well. They float close to the Dextroluma as though magnetized, and they cannot be too far away.

[Rules note:  The common version of this trait requires all fins or horns to match - i.e. you cannot have one floating fin and one attached, they must both float if you use it.]

Floating Horns

Floating Horns (Regional)

Category: Empyrian
Species: Dextroluma

In the observation of Hyperspace Dextroluma, researchers observed a curious phenomenon with their fins and horns.  On occasion - sometimes after birth, sometimes much later in life - a Hyperspace Dextroluma’s fins and/or horns will painlessly detach from their body and float next to or above it.  Sometimes the fins get confused as a new fin type because they look odd when detached from the body! Floating fins can be any of the common or rare shapes we provide, and horns, as usual can be any shape as well. They float close to the Dextroluma as though magnetized, and they cannot be too far away.

[Rules note: The common version of this trait requires all fins or horns to match - i.e. you cannot have one floating fin and one attached, they must both float if you use it.]

Solid Halos

Solid Halos (Regional)

Category: Empyrian
Species: Dextroluma

These halos are often very HOT to the touch and sharp, so Dextroluma should be careful when touching them! They can be placed anywhere on the body from arms to heads and legs.

Planetary Halos

Planetary Halos (Regional)

Category: Empyrian
Species: Dextroluma

Some Delta Dextro seem to attract or grow tiny planets or stars to their solid halos overtime. They may look familiar or appear mysteriously new and exciting. These planets or stars orbit the halos specifically in a gentle, smooth motion.

Wooden Horns

Wooden Horns (Regional)

Category: Faerie
Species: Dextroluma

One of the earliest recognized regional traits, it is quite common for Dextroluma genetically of the Flower Fields to have natural wooden horns - sometimes grown over time, sometimes present from birth.  These horns can grow flowers or leaves and even match the seasonal changes of the natural trees they relate to. These horns must be existing, natural wood only.

Insect Limbs

Insect Limbs (Regional)

Category: Faerie
Species: Dextroluma

Insect Limbs seem to be an adaptation in some Flower Fields Dextroluma that help them in navigating the massive flowers that form the bulk of their terrain.

[Rules note: The common version of this trait requires all natural legs to match.]


Antennae (Regional)

Category: Faerie
Species: Dextroluma

Antennae are an occasionally observed trait seen on Dextroluma of the Fairy Glen.  They do not need to match a dextroluma's glow color and they can move.  These can replace horns or be present in addition to regular horns or wooden horns.

[Rules Note: The number of antennae and their placements follow the same rules as typical horns.]

Insect Wings

Insect Wings (Regional)

Category: Faerie
Species: Dextroluma

While these don’t really do much for flight, these wings are rather beautiful and sought after by many Dextroluma from various regions, Fairy Glen regionals pride themselves on their strange ability to grant insect-like wings by enjoying the delicious snack that is their regional mushroom! They can be any color and design, the shape itself however, must take inspiration from insects/bug wings!

Natives Dextroluma may have these wings appear anywhere on their body and will have freckles in the shape of their wings in corresponding location they appear. Non native Dextroluma seem to only have these wings appear on their backs and lack the wing freckle markings that natives have. While non native Dextroluma lose these wings once they stop consuming the regional mushroom, natives Dextroluma can retain their wings indefinitely

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