
Unique Fin Type

Unique Fin Type (Admin)

Category: Fin Style
Species: Dextroluma

Although it is extremely unusual, there are occasionally dextroluma born whose fins have a shape that is not one of the standard types. This seems to have no ill effects on them, but their unique fin types also do not seem to be passed down and don’t seem to be able to be made of other materials.

Material Fins

Material Fins (Admin)

Category: Fin Add-Ons
Species: Dextroluma

Some dextroluma have fins that take on a non-regional material from their environment that is unusual to it, such as flowers, cloth, smoke, metal, fire, or more. They can be born with their fins like this or develop this later in life. While it can impair hearing for some dextroluma, it doesn’t necessarily cause hearing loss or problems for all dextroluma with this trait. This is not to be confused with the occasions where a dextroluma’s fins take on a material standard to their region, such as a crystal region dextroluma with crystal fins.

Glow Colored Eyes

Glow Colored Eyes (Admin)

Category: Add-Ons
Species: Dextroluma

Most Dextroluma's eyes indicate whether they are pure, cured or corrupt however, some Dextroluma’s eyes will abruptly change to match their glow color(s). This is believed to be caused by a short-lived virus, but scientists have not had much opportunity to study it or figure out how it is contracted by some Dextroluma and not by others in their lives. Regrettably, this change can cause problems for the Dextroluma who contract it, as it is often mistaken for necrosis.

Myst Possession

Myst Possession (Admin)

Category: Saura Type
Species: Lockettes

Occasionally, Lockettes may have something… attached to their saura when they manifest.  This saura is possessed by something, and that possession appears to be little smoky clouds, which are generally sheer to opaque and colored enough to be noticeable.  These bits of myst can often be seen escaping from keyholes and fragmentation, and are also sometimes found on charms.  Myst can affect the mental state of the Lockette it is attached to, but do not always do so.

Infested Myst Possession

Infested Myst Possession (Admin)

Category: Saura Type
Species: Lockettes

An infested myst possession is overall quite similar to a myst possession.  However, an infested myst is distinguishable by eyes in the myst that escape the shell or fragmentation or by additional eyes growing on the shell.  An infested myst possession is liable to drive a Lockette with it to seek power and wealth, and sometimes to behave violently towards others and seek to consume their life essence or saura.  It is unknown if this is due to the nature of the myst, or if it is simply an instinctive way to seek safety.  Infested Myst Possessions often have the capability to transfer hosts, although this will usually result in the death of their former host.  Infested Myst Possession is sometimes seen alongside a Frenzied Myst Possession - sometimes they seem to be part of the same possession, while other times they appear to be in some level of conflict.  The details on this are poorly understood.

Frenzied Myst Possession

Frenzied Myst Possession (Admin)

Category: Saura Type
Species: Lockettes

A frenzied myst possession is overall quite similar to a myst possession.  However, a frenzied myst is distinguishable by teeth in the myst that escape from the shell or by additional teeth and mouths growing on the shell.  A frenzied myst possession is liable to drive a Lockette to behave violently towards others, and sometimes to seek to consume their life essence or saura.  This is believed to be because the Frenzied possessions are capable of speech heard only by their host.  This is generally believed to be the most dangerous type of possession.  Frenzied Myst Possessions rarely have the capability to transfer hosts, although this will usually result in the death of their former host.  Frenzied Myst Possession is sometimes seen alongside an Infested Myst Possession - sometimes they seem to be part of the same possession, while other times they appear to be in some level of conflict.  The details on this are poorly understood.

Inky Saura

Inky Saura (Admin)

Category: Saura Type
Species: Lockettes

Originally believed to be a form of possession, Inky saura has come to be understood as simply a different form of saura in most cases.  It is unknown what this saura type originally comes from, but these sauras typically prefer to manifest in darker and colder places.  This saura forms Lockettes who are incredibly heavy and are slow-moving.  Many use mobility aids, as inky saura is not always as adept at maneuvering shells.  Inky saura leaks through orifices, fragmentation, and keyholes alike quite noticeably, and on Lockettes with BJD shells, it will leak through the joints as well.

Possessed Ink

Possessed Ink (Admin)

Category: Saura Type
Species: Lockettes

While inky saura is its own type of saura, it is not immune to becoming possessed.  However, unlike normal saura, inked saura can occasionally overtake a myst possession and transform it.  These inked possessions lack the ability to change hosts, and often wind up taking their own shape and appearing as though a companion to the Lockette they have possessed.  These possessions appear inklike in nature, typically leaving stains around themselves.  They typically have their own opinions, feelings, and desires that they act upon, which may wind up harmful or helpful to the host, and can usually communicate in some fashion not only with the host but with others around them, and vary in how far they can travel from their host, though the maximum possible distance known seems to be under a mile/1.6 kilometers.

Malformed Saura

Malformed Saura (Admin)

Category: Saura Type
Species: Lockettes

Malformed saura is a less understood form of saura, but has come to be considered as more dangerous than even a Frenzied Myst Possession.  Malformed saura is most commonly distinguished by skeletal tails, however there are some other common signs such as charms that appear heavily broken (and especially charms that are each broken in different ways!), ears that appear heavily torn, and bodies that are fragmented beyond the normal 50% that is possible for a typical Lockette to survive.  Malformed saura is unable to be replenished in the ways that a standard saura or inked saura can be - eating and drinking do nothing for them, they have to remove it from their shell as waste as their saura will not dissolve it.  Use and presence of their summons does not build additional saura for them either.  These Lockettes have one resort to survive - consumption of the life energy or saura of others.  Saura of another Lockette will feed them for longer than the life energy of a non-Lockette, but it can be more dangerous to take…  They can become even more dangerous when possessed.

An inked Lockette who is also malformed is typically very unlikely to survive long, as their saura will have more difficulty in consuming the less tangible saura or life energy of others and normal inked are already rare enough to find.  However, it is not completely impossible for a malformed ink Lockette to manage long-term survival…

Unique Ears

Unique Ears (Admin)

Category: Ear Style
Species: Kipitins

On occasion, a kipitin is created who has ears that are diverge from the standard ones.  They can be different shapes, lack scattering, and even come in different numbers, although they will always come as an even number (2, 4, 6…)

Even so, Kipitin ears always have a minimum of two colors, typically either seen in a gradient or as one color for the exterior of the ear and one color for the interior.

Unique Horns

Unique Horns (Admin)

Category: Horn Style
Species: Kipitins

On occasion, a kipitin is created who has horns that are different from the standard ones.  They can be different shapes, lack scattering, and even come in different numbers.  (Some kipitin with this trait may have a singular horn, others may have thirty, for example).

Despite this, their horns are still invariably made from glass, metal, or crystal, and there is no rarity for any material option.

Unique Smoke Form

Unique Smoke Form (Admin)

Category: Smoke
Species: Kipitins

All kipitins can take a smoke demon form if they wish to, and they are impervious to harm while in this form.  (They can still be dealt with magically to some degree in it, however, just not harmed).

Some kipitins have a form that differs from the typical one.  All sorts of shapes have been seen - frogs, rabbits, jeans, even fried chicken.  It is unknown what causes a kipitin to have a different smoke shape.

Additionally, the smoke form retains the color of the kipitin’s smoke, though not necessarily in the same order.  The smoke form does not have to have the kipitin’s ears and horns present.  If it does, however, their colors may change to match the smoke form.

The smoke demon form is not necessary for approvals, it will be assumed their smoke demon form is the standard type if they are submitted without one.

Partial Smoke Transformation

Partial Smoke Transformation (Admin)

Category: Smoke
Species: Kipitins

While all kipitins can take a smoke form and all have smoke present over where their feet would be, some can go even further, able to transform specific parts of their body into smoke without changing the rest.  Smoking eyes, smoking hands, even smoking wings - all are possible!

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