Unsettling Shade of Pink
Amaranthe was used to being the most unsettling person in any given location due to her previous “corruption.” What Ama was not used to was not being the most unsettling person in the room.
Due to Ama’s contributions to the short-lived war, some people recommended that she volunteer at one of the local clinics during the cold season. Since Ama really didn’t have anything much better to do (other than working on her cultivation projects), she figured she might as well.
That suggestion is what lead Ama to visit Ouchies Ouchies Go Away. It was a... unique name (a really fucking weird name honestly). And the person she was told to talk to was the head doctor of the clinic. Doctor Peppy McBizzo.
That was when she learned she could be not the most unsettling person in the room.
There was something just... not quite vibing with Ama. It could have been the overly pink nature of the doctor. Or it could have been the extremely sweet (and somewhat fake looking) smile that never left her face.
When Ama explained the reason for their meeting, Peppy seemed overjoyed (even more unsettling). Ama filled out the paperwork that was handed to her and answered any questions she was asked.
Did she have any school degrees? No.
Did she know first aid? Yes.
Do you understand how [stuff] worked? Sure.
After the interview was done, the two talked about a schedule and what her duties would be. Since she knew first aid and knew how to work with mushrooms, her focus would be on growing mushrooms for the various medications that the doctors and nurses needed. That was more than fine with her, given her past cultivation knowledge. It was probably the reason why she was asked to do such a task.
And so began the regular occurrence of Ama working at the clinic during the cold season. Hopefully, no other surprises would await her (spoiler, there would be).

Submitted By shadowsaiph
for Make the ouchies go away!
Submitted: 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months ago